How To Build Self Esteem In Simple Everyday Ways
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Although many claim that the key to how to build self esteem is a constant flow of pep talks with one’s self (better known as positive affirmation), there are several other ways to help yourself over the nagging hump of low self esteem.
These by no means are to replace affirmation, because that is a large part of changing poor opinions about oneself. You can also get your hands on some motivational material – tapes, books, etc. and put them to good use.
Once you have begun the process of reprogramming any destructive thought patterns – ‘I’ll never amount to anything’ or ‘He would never give me a second glance,’ by replacing them with positive statements about yourself, you must next fashion the outside you – your looks, personality and speech to match the new inside you.
There is no one more aware of your appearance than you are, so step back and take notice. Take a leisurely bath (guys can shower), wash your hair and shave if you need it. Put your shoulders back, your head up and a new piece of clothing on. And put a little pep in your step – after all, people with self esteem don’t shuffle along, nor do they slouch! Look people in the eye and speak enthusiastically. These are very basic tips for how to build self esteem, and you will not believe the way it makes you feel.
As part of how to build self esteem, get your focus off yourself and onto others, as this will break the negativity that surrounds people who lack confidence. It will keep you from focusing on your weaknesses or the things you cannot have at the moment. Be grateful and acknowledge that you are. Call to remembrance the things you are good at, the things you have succeeded at, and the people whom you care for and that care for you. Then go tell someone you care. Confident people can praise others.
Next up in how to build self esteem – work on not being afraid of being noticed. Will you always do everything correctly? Probably not. Embarrassments? More than likely. But confident people are not afraid of such times. They will let people know you are simply human just like they are. Speaking up and speaking out go hand in hand with being noticed. You are important and from time to time you will have something relevant to say – don’t be afraid of those times.
People who work out not only look better, but they feel better as well. It is no secret that being physically fit plays a big part in self confidence. Feeling attractive goes a long way in helping one become attractive – it puts one in a positive state of mind; it energizes. Bear this in mind as you figure out how to build self esteem.
Developing self confidence does take time and it can be a lot of work. Old ideas and habits have to be laid down and sometimes that is not an easy task. Always remember your positive strengths and good qualities. Actually, you can write them down and put them somewhere you will see them every day. It will be a good form of positive affirmation.
Stay busy – plan ways you can do so. This keeps your mind occupied at all times and leaves little time for self pity and whining. People with low self esteem often dwell on the past, so do not set yourself up to fail in your journey toward how to build self esteem.
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