Self Esteem Affirmations Can Boost Your Confidence And Improve Your Life


Self Esteem Affirmations Can Boost Your Confidence And Improve Your Life

Everyone has days when they don’t feel like they measure up. You will experience circumstances that make you feel like you aren’t good enough, smart enough, or have what it takes.

It’s at times like this that you need to step back and look at the positives in your life rather than the negatives. Self esteem affirmations serve to not only remind you of the positives in your life, they also help you get out of the funk and move forward.

The areas in which people often feel inadequate include relationships and work.

When you are feeling like things at work are not going well, tell yourself that you deserve to be happy and successful on your job. Remind yourself of the things you have already accomplished. Look at the differences you have already made on your job.

If you work in a particularly frustrating field, the use of self esteem affirmations can help you remain focused and dedicated on your abilities to do the job. For example, working in the field of substance abuse can be a thankless, difficult career; however, if you work in this field, you can remind yourself of the ones that you have helped. Tell yourself that you may not be able to reach everyone, but the ones you do reach are much better because you were there.

Some other self esteem affirmations you can use on the job include telling yourself the following:

1. I can make a difference in the lives of others.
2. I am a hard worker and an asset to my company.
3. I get projects done that exceed my boss’s expectations.
4. I am a good coworker (supervisor / employee / etc.).

Whatever you choose to tell yourself on the job, just remember to focus on the positives and not the negatives. By looking at the good things you can accomplish, you are boosting your self esteem and improving your work experience.

The other area where people suffer the worst self esteem issues is in relationships. People are sociable and their relationships are an important part of who they are. People often doubt they are worthy of the relationships in their lives (especially when things are going more difficultly than usual). When relationships break up, people question whether they are worthy or what they might have done wrong.

When you have relationship problems, you may ask yourself the same things. This negative thinking, however, does nothing but make you feel even more down and depressed. Positive self esteem affirmations in your life can help you deal with relationship difficulties with grace and strength.

When you experience a relationship problem or break up, look at yourself honestly and kindly. Remind yourself of the things that you have that are good and positive. Some of the self esteem affirmations you can tell yourself when you experience relationship difficulties include:

1. I am someone special.
2. I am a good person.
3. I make people’s lives better just by being a good friend and listener.
4. I deserve to be happy.
5. I can be happy.
6. I deserve a much better life, and I have the power to make that happen.

When you find yourself questioning your worth, stop and look at yourself in a new light. Tell yourself that this is a speed bump in your life and does not define who you are. Tell yourself that you are special and that you deserve good things in life. By using self esteem affirmations, you have the power to pull yourself out of a slump and live life to the fullest.

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