Understanding The Different Relationship Stages
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When we are in a relationship, we don’t often think about the different relationship stages that we go through.
While it’s not vital to know about these stages of a relationship, understanding them can certainly help us when we’re having trouble in our relationship.
The Honeymoon
The first of the relationship stages is the honeymoon. This is when we are swept up in the emotional roller coaster of meeting someone new and enjoying the ride. This period could last a few weeks or months, depending on the two people and how they push the relationship along.
Next is the discovery stage. This is when we begin to dig into the person’s life and get to know him or her on a more intimate and personal level. We begin to learn more about their life before we met them, including their childhood and what they do for a living. The discovery stage is an exciting time, but it’s also a time when we may realize that this person whom we’ve found isn’t right for us.
When you reach the commitment stage, you know enough about this new person in your life to want to be in a monogamous relationship with him or her. You are basically giving up the search for anyone else because you are happy with the person you have found. Some people jump into this relationship stage too early for fear of being alone and when that happens, then there will likely be more problems later on in the relationship.
Power Struggle
When it comes to relationship stages, the power struggle is both necessary and frustrating. You are both seeking to maintain some level of control in your life and in the relationship. This is a stage that requires some compromise, give and take, and rationality. It is during this stage when many relationships fall apart because the two people can’t seem to gain a smooth footing in the relationship. Stepping through this stage with some awareness of the stages of relationships can help.
Every relationship goes through growth stages several times. This is when you become more familiar with the other person and you form a stronger bond. This is also the time in relationships when some people simply grow apart. It takes a conscious effort to keep that from happening.
The second honeymoon
Once you have gone through and survived the power struggle stage, you hit the second honeymoon. This is when you both are content and happy in the relationship and tend to do more things together, have respect for one another, and allow each other the space that you need in your normal life.
The child
This could be an actual child or something that you two share together, whether it’s a business or the idea of traveling the country or the world. When you reach this relationship stage, you are both committed for the long-term and share in the same future goals of bringing that ‘child’ up and letting it mature and grow.
While it’s not necessary to know the different relationship stages, it certainly can help couples build stronger and better lives together.
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