How To Be Optimistic – Tips On Becoming An Optimist
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You’ve all heard people say someone is a “glass half empty” or “glass half full” type of person. This is a common way of describing someone as either an optimist or a pessimist; with the ideal situation being you are described as an optimist (or “glass half full”) person.
Still, we all have days when we are not as optimistic about things as other days. Others have a great deal of difficulty being optimistic about a number of things. If you are one of those people, you may be asking yourself how to be optimistic and improve your outlook on life.
Here are some great tips on how to be optimistic and improve the way you look at life and the world.
First, start your day on a positive note. When you wake up in the morning, practice thinking positive thoughts from the moment you awake. If you start your day on a positive note, you are much better equipped to handle any difficulties you may face during your day.
Next, look at your goals (whether they are for the day or more long term). By setting goals, and working to achieve those goals, you are strengthening your ability to deal with life’s challenges. Break your goals down into smaller steps and reward yourself when you reach each milestone. People who set goals are much more optimistic than those who don’t.
In learning about how to be optimistic, remember that you have the choice to be an optimist or a pessimist. The way you choose to look at life will determine your level of optimism.
For example, on a rainy day, it is often hard to be an optimist; however, instead of focusing on the gloom of the day, you can focus on how the rain will help the flowers grow. By looking at the benefits rather than the negatives, you are training your mind to be more optimistic.
Let go of the energy vampires in your life. There are many things that can drain your energy, which in turns robs you of your optimism. For example, watching the evening news these days can not only drain you emotionally, it makes you doubt if there is anything good in the world. With all the conflicts globally, you may think that there’s nothing positive to look forward to. Turn off that TV and step outside. Don’t bombard yourself with negative images that will rob you of your optimism. Also, instead of watching the news, watch an inspirational movie instead.
Another suggestion for how to be optimistic is to enjoy a hobby. People who work at creative endeavors are much more optimist than those who don’t make the time to do things they enjoy. Hobbies are as varied as people, so you can always find something that you can enjoy. Some examples of hobbies that also feed your optimism can include painting, learning a musical instrument (or playing one that you’ve already learned), writing, journaling, gardening, or a host of other activities.
To help with how to be optimistic, surround yourself with positive friends and positive people. Nobody likes to be around someone who is doom and gloom all the time, so try to find friends who have a positive outlook on life. You will find their optimism is contagious!
Each day, you have a choice on how you face life. You can either be an optimist or a pessimist. If you are asking yourself how to be optimistic, you can try these steps to improve your outlook on life.
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