How To Improve Self Esteem Using Some Simple Strategies


How To Improve Self Esteem Using Some Simple Strategies

2) Begin reciting positive affirmations about yourself. By repeatedly saying nice things about yourself, you are changing your thought processes and before you know it, you will feel better about yourself. Print out some affirmations and post them around your house as reminders. Examples of positive affirmations are:

“I am beautiful, smart, and have so much potential.”
“People like me.”
“I am successful in every area of my life.”
“I freely accept love and give love as well.”
“I can do anything I put my mind to.”

3) As part of how to improve self esteem, freely accept compliments. People who suffer from low self esteem have a difficult time accepting compliments or gifts from people. In order to increase your self worth, you have to accept compliments no matter what. Believe that what they are saying is true, no matter what. Simply say, “Thank you.”

4) Do not speak negatively. Try to focus solely on the positive things in your life. If you begin to speak negatively, cut yourself off and immediately say something positive. Retrain your brain.

5) Another tip for how to improve self esteem is to read inspiring and motivational literature. Keeping literature that is positive and encouraging before your eyes is important. Start your day off with a good book or audio CD that helps you focus on positive things.

6) Do service work. As you begin to bless and serve others, your self worth will increase. There are plenty of places that you can volunteer in your community.

Decide today to walk tall with a positive self-image and take some action.

More ideas on how to improve self esteem can be found on the rest of this website.

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