Your Beliefs On Your Health Will Affect Your Health


Most of us know that your body becomes what you eat. After all, the body is made from building blocks provided by the food and drinks...

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Healing Addictions Through Love


Wayne Dyer, in his book “Being in Balance“, tells us that the idea of conquering or fighting an addiction is, quite...

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Physical Symptoms Of Severe Stress – Bodily Signs To Look Out For


Do you wish to learn about the physical symptoms of severe stress? While you may not realize it, stress not only has an effect on you...

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How Exercise Reduces Stress – Use Physical Activity To Relieve Stress


Each day, you are faced with a number of demands both personal and professional. When these demands get to be too heavy, you will...

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Physiological Effects Of Stress – How It Affects You


No one can get through the day without some degree of stress; however, there will be times when the stress seems to be the key factor...

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Physical And Psychological Symptoms Of Stress – How Stress Shows Itself


Stress is a natural occurrence in everyone’s life, but not everyone shows the signs of stress the same way. Also, stress does...

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Great Tips For Reducing Stress In Your Life


Are you searching for some useful tips for reducing stress? Stress affects everyone. It can be caused by innumerable reasons and the...

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How Does Stress Affect Your Overall Health?


How does stress affect your overall health? Our health is more important to us than most of us realize. It is one of the most...

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Easy Meditation Techniques Anyone Can Use


Are you looking for some easy meditation techniques to help you calm and relax your mind? Meditation is one of the best ways to relax...

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How Does Stress Affect Health? – A Basic Explanation


Are you wondering – how does stress affect health? Stress affects health in many different ways. Some of the ways in which...

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Notice The Physical Signs Of Stress In Yourself Or A Loved One


When we deal with stress, our health can be affected. For many of us, modern life is stressful and that means that we can get too...

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The Different Types Of Stress You Are Exposed To


When you think of stress, what kind of stress are you thinking about? If you didn’t know that there are actually different types...

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Listen To Your Body and Protect Your Health


Last night, during dinner, I suddenly had a bad headache, feeling a little dizzy and having the world spin around me. It’s not...

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Seeking Instant Gratification – Is Your Life Negatively Affected?


Observing common human behaviors, it seems that we are wired to seek instant gratification as supposed to keeping the longer term big...

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The Positives of Pain


Are you in some sort of pain, whether mental, emotional, or physical? Do you like the pain? I doubt so, as most of us detest pain....

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